Healthcare Parking

Managing Your Resources


Do your patients and visitors struggle to find parking within close proximity to your entrance? Are your employees parking where you need them to park?

Cornerstone listens to your needs ​and creates a demand model for each parking area. Monitoring demand, compliance, and patient needs on a regular basis will result in parking efficiency and improved accessibility ​for your patients. Our experience and strategies will lead to greater patient satisfaction and alter demand and parking behaviors for your benefit.


Are you concerned about the revenue controls and ticket inventories you have in place?

Cornerstone installs the appropriate policies and process​es along with operational separation of duties​ that protect the integrity of your revenue streams​. These checks & balances ensure that you are maximizing your financial performance and producing data that helps in the strategic planning process. Our platform is designed to deliver the operational excellence you demand.


Do you feel like you are operating day-to-day and making uninformed decisions?

Cornerstone collects data that is monitored, analyzed, and reported allowing you to make informed decisions. We help put you in a proactive operating position instead of a reactive one.


Do construction and campus growth create operational challenges for you?

We understand that when it comes to growth your needs are not static. We have extensive experience designing and operating the following service platforms:

  • Valet platforms
  • Ambassadors & greeters that personalize and assist with way-finding
  • Concierge service to help take care of special patient needs and concerns
  • Traffic management services during construction 
  • Shuttle operations
  • Design, build, finance & operational execution strategies


Cornerstone will continuously monitor, analyze, and manage your evolving parking and transportation needs.  Let us be the trusted extension of your organization.

The Cornerstone Event Team parked cars for 968,516 balloon enthusiasts at the 2023 Albuquerque International Balloon Festival…that’s a lot of hot air!